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Fayetteville Academy…Forever! When the founding Board of Trustees chartered Fayetteville Academy in 1969, they wanted to provide children with the finest educational experience in Cumberland County. In order to ensure that we carry on this mission for generations to come, we need to increase our endowment.



Endowment is a permanent fund in which the principal is invested and some of the earnings may be spent. The larger an endowment, the greater the earnings, and the more it can be used to relieve the pressure to raise other revenues. More simply, it helps lessen the pressure for increased tuition income and annual fundraising. In essence, the strength of our endowment will guarantee the strength of our school…forever!

These funds will exist in perpetuity to help provide long-term financial stability for our school. Donors can choose to donate further funds to these and other Academy funds at any time now or in the future.

Current Endowment Funds

These four named endowment funds are owned by the Fayetteville Academy.  Gifts to these funds are made directly to the school. You may click here to donate now.

Questions? Reach Out!

To learn more about the endowment at Fayetteville Academy, please reach out Jasie Landeros, Director of Advancement, at