LEAP SmartLab
The LEAP SmartLab is named for one of our many generous donors, the Petkovich family (Ed, Lara, Edward, and Alexander) and serves our Pre-K through 2nd grades in their science and STEAM education.
A SmartLab is a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) learning space designed and supported by a company called Creative Learning Systems (CLS). Each of our labs is specifically designed for the grade levels it serves and includes curriculum developed by CLS.
Examples of technologies offered in these labs are:
- Makey Makey
- Laser Maze
- Gravity Maze
- Snap Circuits
- Geometric Shapes
- Kid K'nex
- Code & Go Colby
In the LEAP Lab, we help to grow the natural curiosity children have about the world and how it works. Through guided practice, children are encouraged to communicate what they want to explore, and then collaboratively they engage in a multisensory learning experience, expanding on what was once a simple idea to a broader group learning experience. We also encourage failing forward, as making mistakes only serves to build a stronger base of knowledge. C. Shafer & L. Grice, LEAP SmartLab Facilitators